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New Zealand Road Code Test

19 DMV Questions of 06 Other Road Users

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1. When School Patrol signs are held out, as a driver you must:

A. wait until the supervisor of the school patrol lets you go.
B. stop until there are no pedestrians on your side of the crossing.
C. stop until both signs have been pulled in.
D. wait until there are no children on both sides of the crossing.

Explanation : When the School Patrol Stop sign is out, vehicles coming from both directions must stop and stay stopped until all signs have been pulled in.

2. what do you do if a biker is ahead

A. speed up
B. honk
C. flash a light
D. slow down and pass safely on the right

Explanation : slow down and keep a safe distance away from the biker when passing by.

3. what should you do as you are approaching kids on the footpath?

A. Beep the horn so that they know you are coming
B. Slam on the brakes
C. Move into middle of road
D. Slow down and drive past cautiously

Explanation : behavior of kids are more difficult to predict, slow down and be more careful when around them.

4. When coming up to a pedestrian crossing, what MUST you do?

A. Slow down and be ready to stop for pedestrians.
B. Speed up before pedestrians cross.
C. Sound the horn on your vehicle to warn pedestrians.
D. Slow down to 30 km/h.

Explanation : When coming up to pedestrian crossings:slow down and be ready to stop for any pedestrians on, or stepping onto, the crossing; wait until the pedestrian has crossed in front of you and is clear of your vehicle before you proceed.

5. What is the meaning of a white diamond painted on the road?

A. There is a pedestrian crossing ahead.
B. There is a school ahead.
C. There are traffic signals ahead.

Explanation : As you drive towards a pedestrian crossing, you will see pedestrian crossing signs before the crossing and black and white poles at the crossing. White diamonds are generally painted on the road before the crossing.

6. A white diamond painted on the road means that you are coming up to:

A. a pedestrian crossing.
B. traffic signals.
C. a roundabout.
D. an intersection.

Explanation : As you drive towards a pedestrian crossing, you will see pedestrian crossing signs before the crossing and black and white poles at the crossing. White diamonds are generally painted on the road before the crossing.

7. What do you do if you see a disabled man in wheelchair crossing at pedestrains?

A. Horn so he could move faster
B. Let him take his time crossing
C. Go and push him so he could move faster
D. Tell him to go faster

Explanation : Disabled people cannot go that fast on wheelchairs, be patient and courteous.

8. What do you do if you see children playing on the road?

A. Horn and warn them
B. Keep on going
C. Stop and tell them to move off the road
D. Speed Up

Explanation : yes if you see any children playing on the road stop and tell them to move out of the road

9. Which of the following hazzards should be your priority if you are turning right on a two way street?

A. The car that is behind you.
B. The child that is on the curb of the street you are on.
C. The car that you have to give way to.
D. The cyclist that is travelling on your left.

Explanation : behavior of a child is slightly difficult to predict, he might suddenly get into the way.

10. You are coming up to a school patrol crossing and both signs are held out. When can you drive on?

A. When both signs have been pulled in.
B. When there are no pedestrians on the crossing.
C. When the sign on your side of the crossing has been pulled in.
D. When there are no pedestrians on your half of the crossing.

Explanation : When the School Patrol Stop sign is out, vehicles coming from both directions must stop and stay stopped until all signs have been pulled in.

11. What must you do if you come across stock been moved down a road

A. toot your horn till they move to make way
B. reverse your motor till they move
C. hop out of your car and wait till they pass
D. pull over to left off your lane and wait for them to pass

Explanation : slow down, pull over and make room for them to pass if necessary.

12. You see a pedestrian carrying a white cane crossing the road. Do you:

A. rev the engine to let them know that you are waiting?
B. take extra care and allow them to cross the road in their own time?
C. turn on the vehicle hazard lights and drive on?
D. speed up and pass in front of them?

Explanation : People who are blind or vision-impaired often use aids such as a white cane or a guide dog. When drivers see people with these aids trying to cross the road, they should take extra care and let them cross in their own time.

13. You wish to turn left at the intersection. Do you:

A. speed up and turn in front of the cyclist?
B. sound the warning device to warn the cyclist?
C. stay back until the cyclist has passed the intersection?
D. keep driving to the next intersection?

Explanation : Cyclists can be hard to see on the road. Always check carefully for cyclists before turning at, or moving through, an intersection. If you are following a cyclist and want to turn left, wait until the cyclist has passed the intersection.

14. When passing a horse and rider, you should:

A. warn the rider by sounding the horn on your vehicle.
B. slow down and give them as much room as you can.
C. speed up.
D. warn the rider by turning your vehicle headlights on.

Explanation : Slow down and pass carefully, giving the horse and rider plenty of room. Don't sound your horn, rev your engine or pass at speed, as this could frighten the horse. At night, dip your vehicle's headlights when approaching a horse.

15. What should you do when driving past a horse and rider?

A. Flash your vehicle headlights to warn the rider.
B. Slow down and pass carefully.
C. Sound your vehicle horn to warn the rider.
D. Speed up and pass quickly.

Explanation : Slow down and pass carefully, giving the horse and rider plenty of room.

16. When opening the car door you should:

A. open the door and expect the cyclist to stop.
B. open the door and expect the cyclist to swerve.
C. wait for the cyclist to go past before opening the door.
D. warn the cyclist by sounding the horn before opening the door.

Explanation : You can injure a cyclist if you open your door into their path. Always check carefully for cyclists before you open your door.

17. What must you do when you see a School Patrol sign held out across the road?

A. Stop and do not go until the sign is pulled in.
B. Slow down to 20 km/h.
C. Drive on carefully if there are no people on your side of the crossing.

Explanation : When the School Patrol Stop sign is out, vehicles coming from both directions must stop and stay stopped until all signs have been pulled in.

18. A white diamond painted on the road means that there is:

A. a school ahead.
B. a pedestrian crossing ahead.
C. a fire station ahead.
D. a dangerous intersection ahead.

Explanation : As you drive towards a pedestrian crossing, you will see pedestrian crossing signs before the crossing and black and white poles at the crossing. White diamonds are generally painted on the road before the crossing.

19. You are at a cross-intersection controlled by a give way sign. A cyclist is coming from your right. What should you do?

A. Drive as fast as possible, before the cyclist passes
B. wait for the cyclist to go past, then drive on
C. Beep the horn at the cyclist, and tell him to stop and wait while you drive on
D. tell the cyclist to hurry up

Explanation : when you see a give way sign, You should give way to cars and cyclists traveling at other directions.

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