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New Zealand Road Code Test

8 DMV Questions of Passing

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1. How many metres of clear road must you have before and after passing another car?

A. 200
B. 150
C. 100
D. 50

Explanation : You must have at least 100 metres of clear road in front of you before and after you have finished passing another vehicle.

2. What should you do if the vehicle behind you wishes to pass?

A. Move to the centre so that they cannot pass.
B. Speed up so that they will not need to pass.
C. Move as far to the left side of the road as is safe.

Explanation : If you are being passed by another vehicle: move as far to the left of the road as possible; never speed up to stop the other vehicle from passing you.

3. If you can do so safely, you may pass on the left at an intersection if:

A. you have the headlights of your vehicle turned on.
B. the vehicle in front is signalling a left turn.
C. the vehicle in front is signalling a right turn.
D. the vehicle in front is going faster than the speed limit.

Explanation : You can only pass on the left when: you are directed to by a police officer; the vehicle you are passing: has stopped, or is signalling a right turn, or is turning right.

4. What is the least distance of clear road you MUST have in front of you when you have finished passing another vehicle?

A. 40 metres.
B. 60 metres.
C. 80 metres.
D. 100 metres.

Explanation : Before you pass: make sure you will be able to see at least 100 metres of clear road ahead of you once you have finished passing. If not, don't pass

5. When are you allowed to pass another vehicle?

A. When you are coming up to a blind corner or blind bend.
B. When a vehicle has stopped at a pedestrian crossing.
C. When you can see at least 100 metres of clear road in front of you once you have finished passing.
D. When you are less than 10 metres away from a railway level crossing.

Explanation : To safely pass another vehicle you need to be extremely careful. You need to have a clear view of the road ahead, to make sure you can finish passing safely. You must also pay close attention to the vehicle you are passing, in case it changes its course.

6. when is it not safe to pass a moving vehicle?

A. when you are following the car and going pass a corner
B. when you are on a straight road and there is a white line in the middle of the road
C. when you are on a dirty road
D. when there are many cars behind you

Explanation : avoid passing a vehicle when approaching a corner, your visibility area at front is reduced.

7. What should you do if the vehicle behind you starts to pass you?

A. Move over to the right so that they cannot pass.
B. Speed up so that they will not need to pass.
C. Signal for them to stay behind you because you think they are going too fast.
D. Move as far to the left side of the road as is safe and do not speed up.

Explanation : If you are being passed by another vehicle: move as far to the left of the road as possible; never speed up to stop the other vehicle from passing you.

8. If you are going to pass, and there is a dashed yellow line on your side of the centre line, should you still proceed?

A. as long you can see the road ahead
B. as long you don`t cross a solid yellow line
C. you should not, it is illegal
D. as long as you don`t get caught by the police

Explanation : If you see a dashed yellow line on your side of the centre line, that means that a no-passing line is about to start. While you may come back over the dashed yellow line to finish passing, you must not cross it to start passing.

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