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New Zealand Road Code Test

14 DMV Questions of Using lanes correctly

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1. When turning right from a two-laned road into a one-way street that has two lanes, you must turn into the:

A. right-hand lane.
B. left-hand lane.
C. lane that has the least vehicles.
D. lane that gives you the most direct route.

Explanation : When turning into a one-way street: turn from the lane next to the centre line (if in a two-way street); and turn into the closest lane of the one-way street.

2. What should you do when you come up to a one-lane bridge?

A. Sound your vehicle horn and drive slowly over the bridge.
B. Turn your vehicle headlights on and drive quickly over the bridge.
C. Slow down and check for any oncoming vehicles before driving on.
D. Drive on and make sure any oncoming vehicles reverse off the bridge.

Explanation : Some roads in New Zealand have one-lane bridges on them. At these bridges, vehicles travelling in one direction have to give way to vehicles going in the other direction. All one-lane bridges are clearly signposted, showing who has to give way.

3. When turning right from a two-laned road into a one-way street that has two lanes, which lane must you turn into?

A. Left hand lane
B. Right hand lane
C. Lane that has the least vehicles
D. Lane that gives you the most direct route

Explanation : When turning right from a one way street,you should stay in the same lane throughout the turn. That means: If you're turning from the left hand lane of the one way street, turn into the left hand lane of the two way street

4. If you are at a single-laned roundabout and are going straight through it, how should you give signals?

A. no need to give signal at all.
B. do not signal as you come up to the roundabout, signal left as you pass the exit before the one you wish to take.
C. signal right as you come up to the roundabout, then signal left as you pass the exit before the one you wish to take.
D. signal left as you come up to the roundabout.

Explanation : If you are going straight through a roundabout: dont signal as you come up to the roundabout; signal left as you pass the exit before the one you wish to take. At some small roundabouts it may not be possible to give three seconds warning

5. When driving on an unlaned road, you must drive your vehicle on the:

A. left-hand side of the road.
B. right-hand side of the road.
C. centre of the road.
D. shoulder of the road.

Explanation : An unlaned road is a road with no marked white lines or raised studs. To stay well out of the way of oncoming vehicles, always keep as close as possible to the left side of the road.

6. How should you signal when approaching a Multi-laned roundabout and want to turn right?

A. Indicate left as you are going around, then indicate right before turning into the road
B. Indicate right as you are going around, then indicate left before you turn into the road
C. Do not indicate at all
D. Keep your left indicator on the whole way round

Explanation : If you are travelling more than halfway around a roundabout: signal right as you come up to the roundabout; signal left as you pass the exit before the one you wish to take.

7. On a transit lane, What does T2 mean?

A. You may take over cars but only two
B. You may transfer to another lane but only in two seconds
C. Two or more occupants are allowed to use it
D. You may park here to take a two minute break

Explanation : Transit lane, which can only be used by passenger service vehicles, cycles, motorcycles and vehicles carrying at least the number of people displayed on the sign (eg T2 means two or more people, T3 means three or more people)

8. When driving on an unlaned road, your vehicle should be positioned:

A. anywhere, so long as you can see what is coming.
B. 1 metre from the left-hand kerb.
C. close to the centre of the road.
D. as close to the left side of the road as possible.

Explanation : An unlaned road is a road with no marked white lines or raised studs. To stay well out of the way of oncoming vehicles, always keep as close as possible to the left side of the road.

9. Before changing lanes, you need to:

A. give no signal.
B. signal for 1 second.
C. signal for 2 seconds.
D. signal for 3 seconds.

Explanation : You must signal for at least three seconds before you: turn left or right; move towards the left or right; stop or slow down; move out: from a parking space, or to pass another vehicle, or to change lanes.

10. when changing from the left-hand lane into the right-hand lane you MUST ___

A. indicate right for at least 3 seconds or more, check your blind spots then move right.
B. change lanes as fast as possible without indicating.
C. indicate left for 3 seconds or more then turn into right lane
D. always slow down and wait for the chance to merge with the traffic on the right.

Explanation : when changing lanes, remember to always give signal and check your blind spots.

11. If you intend to move your vehicle from the right-hand lane to the left-hand lane, you must

A. move to the left as quickly as possible.
B. speed up and signal as you move to the left.
C. signal for at least 3 seconds before moving left.
D. slow down and signal as you move to the left.

Explanation : You must signal for at least three seconds before you: turn left or right; or move towards the left or right (for example, when you pull back into the left lane after passing another vehicle); or stop or slow down.

12. Before making a lane change to your left, you must signal for at least 3 seconds and:

A. use your vehicle brake lights to warn other road users.
B. use your vehicle hazard lights to warn other road users.
C. check your blind spot before moving left.
D. ensure that there are no oncoming vehicles.

Explanation : When turning or changing lanes remember to always check your blind spots.

13. You are driving on a road with marked lanes and you are in the lane with an arrow showing a left turn only. You must:

A. drive straight ahead.
B. turn left.
C. turn right.
D. not signal.

Explanation : Make sure you are in the correct lane for the direction that you are travelling. Follow the direction of any arrows marked on the road.

14. what do you do when coming up to a multi-laned roundabout and you want to go straight though

A. do not signal at all
B. do not signal untill you pass the exit before yours and signal left
C. signal right all the way
D. signal left all the way

Explanation : pg70 of road code 2009 If you are going straight through a roundabout: dont signal as you come up to the roundabout; signal left as you pass the exit before the one you wish to take.

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